“Whoever has created something has to be asked.”
Florian Schroeder (reproduced quote from his friend)
This quote contains everything required to give and receive criticism. When we create something, it is basically to be valued. Provided is the abstinence from laziness and that it is not intended to be destructive in nature. It is, first of all, a contribution and, therefore, something positive. It is unimportant at what level the creator is. A student, as well as a professional, both deserve a minimum of respect.
Therefore, the critic should try to be optimistic about the work. He can achieve this right at the beginning of the conversation. There is value in every first draft. This value should be found out directly and mentioned before possible weak points are addressed.
The only intention of criticism is to move it forward or realign it
Both sides should not forget that egos are sent out of the room in this period. It is all about the project. The only intention of criticism is to move it forward or realign it. Only in this way the criticism remains objective. It gives the creator new impulses and views, through which he finally learns. It’s about helping and supporting the creator because he does not have the needed distance to his own work. Chris Do puts it this way:
“You can’t see the label when you’re inside the bottle.”
Chris Do (the Futur)
Why-questions shake the core of the idea
Feedback like I don’t get it without further immersion in the idea or design is destructive and shows little interest improvement.
Why questions shake the core of the idea and determine if it will stand afterward. Why did you use that color?, Why did you use that font and not this one?, Why that particular format?. They are the first stress test for the idea, and at the same time, the viewer gets a first impression of the thought processes of the creator. These can serve as a basis before getting down to the nitty-gritty.
The creator’s task is to answer these questions, regardless of the quality of the reasoning. He must realize that it is not about exposing him by asking him questions. If he cannot answer them, it is simply his task to fill this gap in the next step. He is thus already one step closer to his goal.
The work is the start of the show
The sentence He who has created something has to be asked clarifies that the creator, or more precisely his work, deserves respect first before being judged or condemned. It’s not about appreciation. Respect lies somewhere between tolerance and recognition.
However, from the critic’s perspective, it also means that the work may be questioned in principle. In both cases, the work is the start of the show.