Category: Inspiration
Mindshot 41 (Untitled)
Scribble Portrait: Messi
Mindshot 40: »Some Men Just Want To Watch The World Burn« (Dark Knight)
In one of my favorite movies “The Dark Knight” Gary Oldman says »Some men just want to watch the world burn« about the Joker. I had this picture in my mind after that.
Scribble Portrait: Chavo Guerrero
Mindshot 39: Word Of Mouth
Portrait: Robert De Niro
»Mindshots II« On Behance
I just published a new project on Behance. It’s an ongoing personal project called »Mindshots«. The inspiration for each piece comes from my daily life while working, talking, watching a movie, and hanging out with friends, or while getting bored in the dentist’s waiting room. Some are socially critical, humorous or just plain ridiculous. Check it out here.
Find part I here.
Mindshot 38: Love: ON – Brain: OFF
Scribble Portraits On Behance
I just published a new project on Behance. The portraits of football stars were created as fast as possible by using the colors of the club or national team. Working time: 1-3 hours each. Take a look here.
Portrait: Maradona
Actor Illustration: Denzel Washington
Great actor Denzel Washington in »Training Day«. Still a great movie! This is a black and white illustration I did a few months ago. Maybe I’ll make a whole series with this style.