Just for fun: Illustration created with watercolors, ink and finished digitally.
Category: Inspiration
Night-Time Illustration: Rooftop
A series of night-time illustrations inspired by different places I’ve been, seen or dreamed of. This place is unknown. Check out the whole project here. To download free wallpapers, please visit my website: www.maivisto.de
Night-Time Illustration: Bielefeld
A series of night-time illustrations inspired by different places I’ve been, seen or dreamed of. This is Bielefeld, Germany – my hometown. Check out the whole project here. To download free wallpapers, please visit my website: www.maivisto.de
Maivisto Products: Hong Kong Tower
Music Cover: One More Time By Daft Punk
Best dance track ever by Daft Punk. You can see the whole series on my website or on behance.net.
Prints and products are available on Society6.
The Shining (1980)
Who can’t remember the freaky face of Jack Nicholson? Timeless horror based on a story of Stephen King. Find the whole project on my website.
Maivisto Products: Hong Kong Bus
Music Cover: Lose Yourself By Eminem
I was and am a big fan of Eminem and I think this song was his masterpiece. Amazing beat and rap skills. You can see the whole series on my website or on behance.net.
Prints and products are available on Society6.
Death Proof (2007)
One of he weirdest movies in the past years and I really like the action scenes. Find the whole project on my website.
Drive (2011)
Not one of my absolute favorite movies, but I like the visual style. Find the whole project on my website.
Maivisto Products: Hong Kong Downtown
Music Cover: Hate Me Now By Nas
The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999)
A movie with very tense situations, entertaining plot and beautiful locations with Matt Damon and Jude Law. Find the whole project on my website.
American Psycho (2000)
Brutal, strange and funny at the same time: Unforgettable acting by Christian Bale. Find the whole project on my website.